Saturday, January 16, 2010

Watercolor - 2009-2011

Painting - Watercolor
Marciano Martinez
Beginning Watercolor
Approaching painting as a creative process while developing the elementary skills of painting as a means of self-expression, emphasizing the development of a basic understanding of the fundamentals of composition, color theory and mixing, and learning to work with the materials in a wide variety of traditional and contemporary techniques.
Intermediate Watercolor
Approaching painting as a creative process while continuing to develop the skills of painting as a means of self-expression, emphasizing the development of an understanding of composition, color theory and mixing, and learning to work with the materials in a wide variety of traditional and contemporary techniques.
Advanced Watercolor
Objectives:A study of advanced painting problems, stressing experimentation, traditional, and contemporary painting composition and methods, while continuing to develop additional skills using painting as a means of self-expression with emphasis on the development of a body of work that explores concepts and materials, exploration of individual style is encouraged.
Watercolor Supply List:
Watercolor paper – various sizes (cutter available in class)
Watercolor brushes – Wide flat (min. 1”), rounds size 8 and 10
Watercolor palette – Robert E. Wood large covered palette preferred
Watercolor paints – set of tube paints preferred
Wide (1 ½” to 2”) tape - blue removable preferred
Frisket type resist or rubber cement, small pointed twig or chopstick
Foam core board Small scissors, small container of salt, small white candle or piece of uncolored wax, small sponge, small spray bottle for water, a working mat, pencil

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