Saturday, January 16, 2010

Painting - 2009-2010

Painting - Oil and Acrylic
Marciano Martinez
Beginning Painting
Approaching painting as a creative process while developing the elementary skills of painting as a means of self-expression, emphasizing the development of a basic understanding of the fundamentals of composition, color theory and mixing, and learning to work with the materials.
Intermediate Painting
Approaching painting as a creative process, while developing additional skills using painting as a means of self-expression, as well as developing skills in using painting techniques and media, including oil and/or acrylic paints, and emphasizing the development of an understanding of composition, color theory and mixing, and skill development. Exploration of individual style is encouraged.
Advanced Painting
Objectives:A study of advanced painting problems, stressing experimentation, traditional, and contemporary painting composition and methods, while continuing to develop additional skills using painting as a means of self-expression with emphasis on the development of a body of work that explores concepts and materials, exploration of individual style is encouraged.
Oil Painting Supply List:
Paints – Oil studio tubes 1.25 oz.
Indian red
Yellow ochre
Raw umber
Burnt umber
Burnt sienna
Ivory or Mars black
Cerulean blue
Cobalt blue
Viridian green
Pthalo green
Pthalo blue
Ultramarine dark blue
Cadmium red light
Cadmium yellow light
Cadmium yellow deep
Cadmium Orange
Dioxazine purple
Alizarin crimson
Cadmium red light
Ivory black
Flake or Titanium white (large tube)
Brushes – Hogs hair bristle brushes of any shape preferred for oil
Flat #4, 5, 9
Round #6 sable or sabeline
Fan #4
Painting Surfaces –
Canvases - Minimum size is 16”x20”
Other supplies:
Painting bag or bucket
Large open mouthed jars with lids – 2
Palette – size 16”x20”
Palette knife
Odorless mineral spirits
Pencil and eraser(Later in semester – raw canvas, stretcher bars, gesso)
Acrylic Painting Supply List:
Paints – Acrylic studio tubes 2 oz.
Red oxide
Napthol crimson
Cadmium red medium
Cadmium orange
Yellow oxide
Raw umber
Cadmium yellow light
Cadmium yellow deep
Burnt sienna
Cerulean blue
Pthalo green
Ultramarine blue
Acra violet
Flake or Titanium white (large tube)
Brushes – Nylon or other synthetic
Flat ¼”, ½”, ¾”, 1”
Round Sable or sabeline
Fan #4Painting Surfaces – Minimum size is 18” square

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